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robertoparmiggiani | all galleries >> passeriformi >> lanidi >> Lanius collurio (red backed shrike-averla piccola) > Lanius collurio (red backed shrike-averla piccola)
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Lanius collurio (red backed shrike-averla piccola)

Ramiseto (Reggio Emilia) Italy

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet19-Jul-2011 12:03
A magnificent composition and background.
francoisconstantin23-Jun-2011 23:36
Très belle image.
Guest 17-Jun-2011 16:54
Very interesting color patterns to this shrike, nice job in getting this, well done.
Range View 12-Jun-2011 10:47
Beautifully marked bird Roberto, love the colours and detail. V.
Well captured.
Sonja Ross11-Jun-2011 20:11
Very nice setting which shows off the bird's plumage.
Pierre11-Jun-2011 15:49
Un oiseau et une composition d'une grande beauté, le background est splendide! V
Gerard Koehl11-Jun-2011 13:27
Cet oiseau est magnifique. V
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