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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS 1D Mark IV

Canon EOS 1D Mark IV SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 20-Oct-2009
Lens Mount: EF
Megapixels: 16.5
Random Canon EOS 1D Mark IV Samples from 621893 available Photos more
g4/68/901968/3/132845663.1jKjnOGa.jpg g9/26/84626/3/162888618.KkAo880J.jpg g10/32/189232/3/168413684.2EoRYz5D.jpg g9/26/84626/3/154511724.E7qOcFNb.jpg
g4/37/854037/3/133909070.1oyQtt26.jpg g9/26/84626/3/162890663.SsctS7Mw.jpg g1/37/854037/3/126066819.h7TwXWqX.jpg g2/26/84626/3/149183664.zt44K4K7.jpg
g3/26/84626/3/122397937.lCCqGkye.jpg g6/60/469160/3/150009031.LEZBYsdD.jpg g10/11/675111/3/166120719.hZZK4Bgs.jpg g4/78/865578/3/137608937.6qv6Memj.jpg

Guest 17-Dec-2010 17:33
Chris - you probably haven't looked hard enough. There are some great photos here taken with the M4. Besides, one would think first class images are made by the photographers and not the cameras, correct?
Guest 04-Nov-2010 01:11
I am considering investing in one of these, but I must confess, I'm a bit disappointed by the relative scarcity of really good examples of first class photography with the Mk iv here. With such a highly rated camera and almost 80 000 sample photographs I would have expected heaps more outstanding images.
Webman0604-Jul-2010 06:27
A wonderful tool and a great toy !
Check out my galleries if you want to see how it can be used to get great shots :
Norman Rich11-Feb-2010 22:28
First field work with the recently released Canon EOS 1DMark1V:

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