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Irene Wehrli | all galleries >> Verschiedenes / Test's >> dies und das > Lucy and me....
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04-MAY-2011 Irene Wehrli

Lucy and me....

Canon PowerShot G2
1/8s f/2.5 at 21.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jola Dziubinska09-Dec-2018 12:46
Hi, nice to meet you, Irene. I like your kitty too. V.
slhoornstra28-Nov-2013 20:17
Wonderful to see you, Irene, and you have beautiful cat eyes, too. V
Carol Rollins04-Nov-2013 12:48
It is so nice to meet you and Lucy. A very lovely and creative portrait.
Anitta17-Aug-2013 09:40
So nice to meet you my friend! V
Herve Foltz05-Aug-2013 15:02
Photographer & subject! And Lucy still very expressive Irene!
larose forest photos02-Aug-2013 20:05
It is great to meet you Irene! A lovely image of you both. V
MarcViskens27-Jul-2013 18:45
very beautiful portrait of both of you
Tom LeRoy15-Jul-2013 07:49
Grüezi Irene! What a lovely SP and double portrait!
Margot W14-Jul-2013 19:11
Wonderful image.
fotabug12-Jul-2013 12:19
I really like this! Nice to see you! :) Pretty kitty too!
Ika Zinka Eferl11-Jul-2013 09:42
Great shot, nice to meet you,Irene!!*V*