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The Goal

We've nearly all done it. Seen an irresistible item of clothing marked down in the
sale and thought 'I must have it'. The only problem is it's a trifle too small. So
we breath in, pull the zip and pledge to loose a couple of pounds. These jeans
fit exactly in that category. I got them in T K Maxx about four years ago, seduced
by the designer lable. They fitted, just about, and I wore them a handful of times.
Then they got too tight (ie I got too big) but I hadn't the heart to put them in the
bag for the charity shop because they were good as new.
Well, the good news is I can almost fit into them again. I was offered the opportunity
to act as guinea pig for a local gym and write about my experience. I had never set
foot in a gym before and didn't relish the prospect of working out but did want to
loose some weight as summer (and a college reunion) approaches. So, I've been going
to the gym for the past six weeks, have been following a healthy diet, and taking Fudge
for extra walks. As I begin to see results, I've set these jeans as my goal - I want to
be able to fit into them for my summer holidays.

Nikon D7000
1/50s f/5.0 at 50.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dek Grant24-May-2011 20:32
Great story and great shot of the jeans - very well done on all counts !.
Barbara Heide22-May-2011 11:36
that's great news! You are so brave... congrats! fantastic close-up! V
Raymond Ma20-May-2011 03:10
Kudos to you for your hard work and discipline. These jeans look fabulous
and the way you photographed them in this light elevates them to a higher
level. V
LynnH20-May-2011 01:14
Wonderful composition. And yes, I'm guilty. V
larose forest photos20-May-2011 00:55
Good for you! I keep saying I need to lose weight, but somehow... You'll do it too! Great photo, by the way.
pkocinski19-May-2011 22:58
I can relate - been working out since mid Feb and it does feel good once some results are seen. No more laying flat on the bed to zip them up :-)
Frank Brault19-May-2011 21:50
A terrific photo and story. Well done. V
Johnny JAG19-May-2011 20:46
Well done on the gym results, nice detail.
Peter Sussex19-May-2011 19:17
You have wonderful jeans, worth to take some extra gym. V
Valene19-May-2011 16:53
Nice image! V
Tom LeRoy19-May-2011 15:22
A great story and a great success. Inspiring in any way!V!
globalgadabout19-May-2011 13:43
fine comp and appropriate focus on the key area of the waistline...well done to work hard at shedding a few pounds...not only will these chic jeans finally fit, you'll feel better too..V
Yvonne19-May-2011 11:19
Well done - an excellent target - and superb image too! v
Neal Nye19-May-2011 11:13
Congratulations! Impressive progress on a challenging project. And an impressive image too with that nice lighting and contrast.
Stephanie19-May-2011 09:30
You're on the right track Mairead! Keep up the good work! :)
Ann...19-May-2011 08:12
Well done you - you will get there - Great label, not that I'm influenced by labels you understand ;)
Carl Carbone19-May-2011 02:15
Excellent shot and work to make them fit! Good luck making your deadline! V
janescottcumming19-May-2011 01:20
This is a very cool photograph and I can see why you liked these jeans. I'm betting you reach your goal and will look great in these styling jeans! V
sue anne18-May-2011 22:50
LOL well the end of the goal looks good, I like these pair of jeans.
Alan K18-May-2011 22:04
Actually I haven't done it. I'm a guy, I "guy shop". Grey trousers, xcm waist, ycm leg, check, check, try on if necessary, cash, ka-ching!, out the door. Suits take slightly longer. There's excellent material grain and detail in this shot through; you can almost feel the texture. I'm sure it's only a coincidence that the EXIF is showing a focal distance of .501m since these clearly aren't Levi 501's. Good luck with the goal!
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