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XiaoBernard99 | all galleries >> Galleries >> MYTHICAL CARS > BUGATTI-1938-T59_50B
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Current style of Years 1935 1940 for the Sport Cars

Sony DSLR-a850 ,Minolta 20mm f/2.8 AF
1s f/11.0 at 20.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
SLC_Images08-Aug-2017 00:55
nicely composed and framed..VT!
Fong Lam16-Apr-2011 12:46
Excellent light and repeating elements...V
Gerard Koehl16-Apr-2011 09:11
Le cadrage et les couleurs sont parfaits. V
gerard belbeoch15-Apr-2011 09:07
j'aime cette prise de vue
cambraniz14-Apr-2011 14:34
Superbe échappement d'un 8 cylindres.V
zyziza13-Apr-2011 17:51
Fantastic! V!
an nguyen11-Apr-2011 20:19
Simply amazing .
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