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XiaoBernard99 | all galleries >> Galleries >> MYTHICAL CARS > BUGATTI-1938-T59_50B
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First Hydraulic Break in race after the simple Cable

Sony DSLR-a850 ,Minolta 20mm f/2.8 AF
3s f/11.0 at 20.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
slhoornstra04-Nov-2011 06:28
This shot is so good that i must be dreaming!! VVV
Raphael_E08-May-2011 09:41
Magnifique angle et composition pour souligner la technologie de l'époque ! BV.
clickA SF20-Apr-2011 01:44
Superb... BV.
MarcViskens18-Apr-2011 09:42
excellent composition
well done
Susan Rovira17-Apr-2011 14:11
Wonderful composition and post processing.
Gerard Koehl16-Apr-2011 09:11
Fantastique... V
Milan Vogrin13-Apr-2011 19:50
Great compo!V!
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