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Where Am I going?

Typical of the roads up near the lake when we had this awesome fog. Actually it wasn't that bad driving as long as you weren't speeding, had your headlights on and were paying attention.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Michael Tauber24-Apr-2016 18:52
Very well noticed and captured.
godro05-Sep-2012 21:58
I like it, bravo!!!
larose forest photos06-Jun-2012 00:19
A very cool shot! I love fog, though driving in it can dicey! But what a great perspective here. V
Photo.Keely07-Oct-2011 23:40
Nice image! V.
Rick Bricker06-Oct-2011 23:04
Looks like yer in fog up to your yingyang!
January Grey06-Sep-2011 01:52
and you hope the other guy has his lights on!! Terrific in a fog shot!!
Jean D26-Jul-2011 02:38
Well seen and captured.
Chris Spracklen16-Apr-2011 18:45
Sounds like a reasonable question in the circumstances, Patti!
Bill Ewart Jr14-Apr-2011 13:41
We had this EXACTLY like this two days ago, it was like a cloud had landed!!!! I didn't get the shot, but what you captured here was what I had in mind!!!!!
Timothy Guenther12-Apr-2011 02:30
Excellent shot.
Guest 11-Apr-2011 11:28
Wow, that looks like scary driving conditions.
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)11-Apr-2011 00:50
A fine example of seasons' transitions; now, hopefully, the other drive knows the rules too.
Steve Mockford10-Apr-2011 17:35
Nice shot. I am always worried that others are not taking those same precautions.
Cindi Smith10-Apr-2011 15:44
Onwawrd through the fog!
Inga Morozoff09-Apr-2011 23:26
Jim Coffman09-Apr-2011 12:52
Love it!!
Ed Preston09-Apr-2011 02:45
..or taking pictures!!! :-) I can see this was taken by a passenger, not a driver!
Guest 08-Apr-2011 21:50
Terrific capture. Drive careful.
Peter Stahl08-Apr-2011 15:45
Good Luck!! :-)
Walter Otto Koenig08-Apr-2011 15:33
Nice fog shot. You chose a good angle for this.
Brian Collins Art08-Apr-2011 15:13
Great image. V
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