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Silvia Roitman | all galleries >> Galleries >> lights__and_shadows > zig zag
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19-NOV-2010 silvia

zig zag

Canon PowerShot G10
1/640s f/4.5 at 30.5mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Giancarlo Guzzardi30-Nov-2010 11:36
beautiful graphic rhythm
Marco Valk27-Nov-2010 14:53
very nice..well seen.
Neal Nye27-Nov-2010 12:00
Fascinating lines and patterns. A very interesting thing to have noticed.
regi olbrechts26-Nov-2010 08:02
Well seen Silvia!
Abescat Charles26-Nov-2010 07:20
Superbe composition!
Jay Levin25-Nov-2010 00:37
Wonderful textures and patterns.
Peter Sussex24-Nov-2010 20:00
Very nice study of light and geometry, love it. V
Michal Leszczynski24-Nov-2010 17:50
I like this play of light and shadows, very nice photo, made under very good anle view. V.
silvia marmori24-Nov-2010 17:12
excelente.. líneas y tambien texturas
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