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Geoionela | all galleries >> Galleries >> Portrait >
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Nikon D200
1/30s f/5.6 at 24.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Raymond De Smet25-Oct-2012 12:07
Good job off the husband, nice to see you !
marko gregoric26-Jan-2012 16:39
Excellent portrait. BV
PauloCGama14-May-2011 23:01
Nice to meet you. My compliments to your husband, wonderful portrait. Great job.
Lennart Waara07-May-2011 18:36
Nice to meet you and a great portrait!
Lennart Waara07-May-2011 18:34
Nice to meet you and a great portrait!
Marjan Schavemaker27-Mar-2011 19:25
Great picture of you, Lenola! V
Guest 11-Mar-2011 00:38
Beautiful lady!
m.kastelic27-Feb-2011 18:33
Beautiful portrait.
Guest 21-Feb-2011 01:24
I like how the varying green complement one another.A great setting for a lovely portrait!
Jeff Real22-Jan-2011 19:50
A very great setting for your wonderful self portrait. So very nice to see you.
Fletcher Wildlife Garden18-Jan-2011 22:31
A marvelous natural frame for your SP. Nice to meet you! V
Giancarlo Guzzardi12-Jan-2011 08:29
Splendid image and great portrait, with a touch of old and attractive ambience. Grass and moss as embroidery. Beautiful tones.
David Hobbs10-Jan-2011 17:33
You are very good. I shall be back. V
alfredo camba jr.09-Jan-2011 14:05
Beautiful self-portrait Lonela! Nice pose and framing. Nice to meet you! V
Guest 06-Jan-2011 21:37
Superb portrait Ionela!
Simon Chandler03-Jan-2011 06:05
Excellent portrait. Great lighting and tone. v
marko gregoric02-Jan-2011 13:37
Superb portrait! BV.
Donna Hollinger28-Dec-2010 19:14
Lovely portrait Ionela! Thanks for your comments too.
Raymond21-Dec-2010 22:42
Nice meeting you Ionela.
urs11-Dec-2010 22:26
Awesome portrait of you, Ionela.
Ann Cleeves08-Dec-2010 20:57
Hello Ionela! Love all your galleries...will visit again soon.
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