The pride of the Pacific Command, HMCS Ontario, serenely floating on the waters of the harbour at Sydney, Australia, as she enters port in the course of the first "Venture" training cruise.
It was a journey that opened vistas, perhaps undreamed of a year or so ago, to the 79 Venture cadets on board, introducing them to a world of palms and sharks and coral and seas of a unbelievable blue, well-salted by "Crossing the Line" ceremonies and a rugged tropical storm.
Surely there was someone on board who could repeat to the cadets the story of "Pelorus Jack", the friendly, if slightly balmy, porpoise, who for years undertook to guide ships safely along the channel into one of the great landlocked harbours of the world.
The picture is worthy of being put on the record for another reason: it is one of the few in which RCN warship and bridge appear that the later structure is neither the Lions Gate Bridge at Vancouver nor the one spanning Halifax harbour.