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Barbara Read and Fred Schaad | all galleries >> Sports & Action >> Rodeos >> Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo 2010 > Dismount
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Sept 2010 Fred Schaad


Merritt, British Columbia

A gymnast would have an easier time, I think.
I believe this may be Jim Berry from Rocky Mountain House, Alberta.

For more information about Rodeos and what they are truly about watch the History Channel's
Rodeo: Life on the Circuit

Canon EOS 1D Mark IV ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ,Digital
1/2000s, f/4.0, ISO 640, 190mm, -1/3 EV full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Milan Vogrin21-Sep-2010 21:52
Flying Jim :-) Great action shot!V!
Anna Pagnacco20-Sep-2010 22:40
Excellent timing and capture! ( V ) Anna
Lee G20-Sep-2010 22:04
No worries ,folks, just a momentary lack of control. This has got to hurt these guys, that neck twisting looks brutal! Excellent capture of the horse and rider mayhem.
Tom Munson20-Sep-2010 19:37
These rodeo image are fantastic! Great work, Fred!
Chris Spracklen20-Sep-2010 18:56
Fantastic capture of this elegant and perfectly controlled dismount, Fred!! (V)
Marcia Colelli20-Sep-2010 17:38
Perfect timing, nice capture V
CM Kwan20-Sep-2010 12:40
This is breathtaking, Fred! I hope that guy didn't get injury. V
Guest 20-Sep-2010 07:42
oooh my back!!!! great shot fred.v
Guest 20-Sep-2010 05:54
Impressive timing!
Raymond Ma20-Sep-2010 05:37
Wow, I think he is looking heaven ward for a guiding hand. V
Gerard Koehl20-Sep-2010 04:39
Quel dynamisme... V