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Fletcher Wildlife Garden | all galleries >> Previous FWG blogs >> 2010 Blogs >> FWG blog: May 2010 > White slant-line moth (Tetracis cachexiata)
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25-MAY-2010 Christine Hanrahan

White slant-line moth (Tetracis cachexiata)

This moth was in the BYG. I saw a few Anania funebris and lots of Ctenucha cocoons, so we may have a lot of these gorgeous day-flying moths in awhile.

Canon PowerShot SX10 IS
1/500s f/5.6 at 5.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Gillian27-May-2010 23:39
I love this moth. He makes me think of vanilla ice cream with a little bit of butterscotch. V
slhoornstra26-May-2010 04:39
A magnificent tiny creature, great capture. V
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