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Canon PowerShot SX10 IS Point and Shoot Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 17-Sep-2008
Megapixels: 10
Random Canon PowerShot SX10 IS Samples from 34475 available Photos more
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Andrys Basten16-Feb-2010 05:51
I added a sample of its video. This doesn't have HD video, but it does a good job nevertheless, though I stupidly used the full 560mm zoom-in on a hot-air balloon going over Luxor/Thebes and the Valley of the Kings area.

The video uses H.264 MOV format so I had to convert it to AVI in order to do some cuts and appends with the basic vdub.exe utility (no real editing).
The video is at
Andrys Basten10-Jan-2010 08:47
Short of the patch for raw shots, dpreview-forum members who own and like this camera said to decrease pre-shooting contrast and sharpness by one -- and when you do the photoshop processing there are then less artifacts than when the two are done in-camera. Seems to be.

I made test shots before taking a trip - and the tests of what I could see, not using the zoom, and then with the zoom used (one instance with digital zooming also) are at

The pencil in the first of two will show where the zoomed-in portion is in the wider photo.

Also, I did go to Egypt and to Petra, Wadi Rum, and Jaresh in Jordan and I have a few shots up, though only Petra has much yet - only because there are people interested in what the walk itself is like.

Although the SX20 IS has HD video and the SX10 IS doesn't, I decided to go for the SX10 IS after looking at shots online and reports which indicated the noise level was noticeably heavier at even low ISOs because the sensor size was the same as used with the SX10. Chromatic aberration at the sides when shooting against sun is not taken care of in-camera and seemed worse to me on the SX20, which I was going to buy before seeing the noise factor and the seemingly worse chromatic aberration effects. (Since then I've seen nice shots from the SX20 however.)

But I wanted to bring only ONE camera with me because I was carrying a netbook and the larger Kindle and didn't want to be changing lenses or even cameras while trying to see the places, rather than (as is too oftem with me) just taking a lot of photos.

They say anything over iso200 on this camera has quite a bit of grain -- relatively, yes, but I took some shots with iso400 as night fell and they actually turned out fairly well -- one was of the moon at full zoom and then adding digital zoom, while sitting in a lounger at the beach at night. The exposure turned out to be 1 second but I had propped the camera up on my knees. I should probably eventually put up the smaller one taken w/o digital zoom.
Some shots just prior to this one show the beach and furniture in that evening light.

One thing is that indoors, the ISO100 or ISO200 can do pretty well. Here's a shot of the inside of the main room of "The Treasury" or 'Al-Khazneh' building (used in the Indiana Jones movie) at Petra.

That's at iso100 and the ones taken at iso200 are better but I was surprised the first one worked at all.
JW28-Apr-2009 16:05
There's a filter thread on mine! I must look for the RAW patch
Guest 21-Apr-2009 23:33
Canon should have added a filter thread and RAW although an adaptor by Lensmate is available for filters and RAW through a patch by CHDK.

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