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Fletcher Wildlife Garden | all galleries >> Previous FWG blogs >> 2010 Blogs >> FWG blog: May 2010 > Cabbage white (Pieris rapae) on Forget-me-not
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25-MAY-2010 Christine Hanrahan

Cabbage white (Pieris rapae) on Forget-me-not

There was variety but not numbers in the butterfly world at FWG today. I saw three cabbage whites, 1 Canadian tiger swallowtail, 2 common ringlets, i viceroy, 1 very worn American lady, 2 red admirals, 1 clouded sulphur, 1 northern crescent and 2 hobomok skippers.

Canon PowerShot SX10 IS
1/500s f/5.7 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
slhoornstra26-May-2010 04:41
So wonderfully perfect on the myosotis. A great composition. I haven' seen any yet on my side of the pond. V
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