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Fletcher Wildlife Garden | all galleries >> Previous FWG blogs >> 2010 Blogs >> FWG blog: May 2010 > In the bird bath
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25-MAY-2010 Christine Hanrahan

In the bird bath

Because it was forecast to be another hot day, I was at FWG just after 8:30 this morning. It was already hot. These house finches were lined up to take advantage of the bird bath!

Yellow warblers are back in force. I saw at least 3 pairs plus a couple of singletons. Red-winged blackbird females were busy building nests. Tree swallows are nesting. Chickadees are feeding young, as are robins. Song sparrows are also nesting. A killdeer was flying and calling, on and off for an hour, high over the garden. A crow flew quickly out a spruce tree and nearly crashed into me. I ducked or else I'd have had crow on my face! Orioles, warbling vireos, redstarts, cardinals, and all the regular birds were around. The only unusual bird was a willow flycatcher giving its "Fitz-bew" call.

Canon PowerShot SX10 IS
1/400s f/5.7 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
slhoornstra26-May-2010 04:44
So lovely as a piece of art, great atmosphere and these dear little finches, just like the ones that crowd my feeder. V Careful or you will have some black feathers in your cap!!
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