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Paula Krugerud | all galleries >> Galleries >> Montana Mining Ghost Towns - Spirits and Remnants > Thru the looking glass
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Thru the looking glass

Bannack, Montana

Generally food and supplies were hauled into Bannack from considerable distance and at
considerable expense. While residents weren't starving, the money they hoped to save was eaten up
by the high cost of available goods and services. On average, flour sold for about $25 for a
hundred pound sack, but in a severe winter the cost might shoot up to $100 per hundred
because of shortage due to impassable roads.


Nikon D300
1/250s f/8.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Art Henry 01-Nov-2013 13:19
They built things a little better back then. Love this shot !1
Long Bach Nguyen30-May-2010 02:17
lovely framing and exposure inside and outside
Jim Coffman13-May-2010 14:47
Love it,Paula! You are so fortunate to live in this beautiful part of the country.
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