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Paula Krugerud | all galleries >> Galleries >> Montana Mining Ghost Towns - Spirits and Remnants >
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Masonic Lodge and School House
Bannack, Montana

In 1874 realizing the need for a school, Bannack Masonic Lodge No. 16 built
the combination lodge and school. This was a public school serving students in K-8th grade.


Nikon D300
1/400s f/10.0 at 40.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Richard Guillis12-Oct-2016 06:15
Montana. Thank you for this photo. rhg
Long Bach Nguyen30-May-2010 02:18
lovely scenery and composition
Lamar Nix15-May-2010 15:33
Beautiful although saddening relic beautifully composed and shot. V
DAVID IMMEL 15-May-2010 00:34
very nice i sooo enjoy your pic's... always do
Tom Briggs14-May-2010 10:56
Wonderful capture and your treatment of it carries one back to those days ... in its day, it must have been a magnificent building. voted
Jim Coffman13-May-2010 12:39
I love this! Old buildings have so much character. Beautiful work,Paula.
Cindi Smith13-May-2010 11:48
Whoa! Fabulous image. Love that building and what a great composition!
Sandi Whitteker13-May-2010 05:53
Great old building and comp and capture Paula. Brings back memories of my Dad being a lifelong Mason.
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