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27-APR-2010 kleivis

Waterballet (Extraordinary people walking on water ) - Kleivis
by kleivis

Olympus E-3
1/1600s f/3.2 at 16.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Brenda 05-May-2010 15:35
Awesome shot!!
kleivis02-May-2010 18:02
Thanks for comments, to Catman, yes, and the next one was funnier...
fredcat30-Apr-2010 21:56
you have captured a great sense of suspense that leaves us all wondering what happened in the next moment. did you shot in the continuous mode?

Olympus DSLR Challenge30-Apr-2010 19:41
I will have to remember this trick when I want to get pictures of the family - get them someplace that they cannot retreat from immediately. He does seem to be leaning a bit extra to our left. I enjoy this shot!

Guest 30-Apr-2010 17:13
Ballet! Super shot.

Shirley Haden30-Apr-2010 16:52
Love it! He may be a tight rope walker too, the rope is just below the surface of the water. Love the shot Trond!
Guest 29-Apr-2010 19:19
There's somebody that seems to be going to know our planet in a more closely way...
Great timing!
Guest 29-Apr-2010 09:37
I Should have added:
It's always a struggle to find good models and you were very lucky to find one with such obvious grace, poise and natural ability to err, umm ... fall in ?
Guest 29-Apr-2010 06:57
Held up by the surface tension of the water ...?
Or just about to sink!!
kleivis28-Apr-2010 15:31
Guest 28-Apr-2010 13:18
What really strikes me here is the extraordinary grace and beauty of the model !
