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Olympus DSLR Challenge | all galleries >> Olympus E-SLR Challenge Galleries >> C132 Ordinary People by FrankM >> C132 Competition > edit image
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Streetsweeper - Raven15

-“If a man is called a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and Earth will pause to say, Here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Olympus DSLR Challenge04-May-2010 23:41
Nameless, ordinary people that make our lives the simple pleasure they are.

Olympus DSLR Challenge01-May-2010 07:18
Me too I agree: framing and colours (especially this orange that seems to be echoed in the left) makes this photo. I like too the perspective that gives structure to the background.
Guest 29-Apr-2010 09:38
Really good, I agree the srop makes the image, very well done!
brad 28-Apr-2010 03:50
what makes this image good beside composition is the two colors, orange on the left and right, in a rather monotone though actually colored image
Shirley Haden28-Apr-2010 03:42
Love the quote from MLK, a good way to think of all our jobs we do. In your photo, your crop brings attention to the job at hand. Thank you for the inspiration too!