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Sambal Prawn and Petai

TT's Kitchen

Oooo....when I saw the picture at , I just had to try the dish. However mine was a little sour - probably too much Tamarind juice added but overall superb! Grinded those ingredients for the wet paste...oo la la...
I threw in some Petai as I thought it would suit the dish. Never liked Petai but this round was okay, a bit on the `smelly' side but I am able to cope with it considering the fact that I hate vegetables. I also added in Lemongrass stick for the extra fragrance and not to forget the most important ingredient - slices of Lime leaves....
Check out this site:
I used both recipes to produce this dish.

Nikon D300
1/13s f/4.5 at 42.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
LynnH06-Apr-2010 22:27
Lovely and colorful dish! I bet it was delicious!