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Donna Einarsson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Seaside > Estuary Tree
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07-FEB-2010 DonnaE

Estuary Tree

Cowichan Estuary

The tide was high enough so that the Arbutus Tree, MadronaTree in the USA,
could be reflected in the water. At low tide the tree seems so lonely on
it's spit of land with no water around it. It's much prettier at high tide.

Nikon D70s
1/1000s f/8.0 at 95.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Siggi Geirs21-Apr-2010 17:47
Thats a lovely picture. Reflects much tranquilty.
Ann Cleeves25-Mar-2010 16:08
Lovely spot...super reflections
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