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Jan/05 / 10 Meta

icy head

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Jeff Real13-Mar-2010 14:33
The details are stunning and taken from a perspective that is fantastic ~V~
giselle borgwardt28-Feb-2010 00:38
You easily make diamonds!
Guest 22-Feb-2010 22:59
Perfect image....It is what it does
Guest 21-Feb-2010 20:29
Amazing...V Fabio
Don Mottershead19-Feb-2010 06:26
An inspired composition. And lovely. ~V~
John16-Feb-2010 08:50
One of the most appealing frozen moments ever encountered. ~BV~ .
Raymond Ma16-Feb-2010 08:24
Love these little vignettes of light and life Meta! V
Patricia Kay15-Feb-2010 19:40
Really cool shot Meta...great idea!...BV
Guenter Eh15-Feb-2010 19:07
Icy head and burning heart - the perfect combination! ;)
Wim Ensie15-Feb-2010 17:02
You must have a cool mind to make an image like this, Meta!
Guest 15-Feb-2010 15:32
how did you think about it !!!v
an nguyen15-Feb-2010 15:31
Phenomenal work.
The creation of a genie.
FrankB15-Feb-2010 13:41
fantastic creation!....+V :)
Johan Claeson15-Feb-2010 12:52
seriously cool capture
Nick Arena15-Feb-2010 10:18
Fabulous framing ..v
Guest 15-Feb-2010 10:13
Great shot! v
Eckhart Derschmidt15-Feb-2010 09:55
From the thumb, I imagined some black, icy planet....
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