Normally you can't get close enough to a deer to get a shot or you can't get your camera in position quick enough to get the shot before they run off. That was not the case for me on this image.
I went to one of our local parks because it was a really nice day (temps hit 41F) with some sunshine and as I was walking the trail I came around the corner and this deer was walking towards me. I stopped but it didn't and instead of taking off it just stepped off the trail into the trees about six feet from the trail where I was and then returned to the trail and started walking up behind me. I turned around as it did this and it did not seem too afraid of me (but it did have a limit of about five feet before it would back off a bit) and just stood there. Since I had my camera in hand I shot a bunch of images because I know this may never happen again to me! I was less than ten feet from this deer for this image.
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