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pkocinski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Every So Often in 2010 - Year Four > Flag Signal For I'm Lost!
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Flag Signal For I'm Lost!

This is a Black Vulture that has somehow messed up it's GPS because it's not supposed to be in Western New York State, especially in the Winter! We get a couple BV's through here during Spring migration but this bird is really "out of season".
There is hope that it will survive the Winter (there are a couple of deer carcasses nearby that it has been feeding off) but Mother Nature has a way of culling out those that should be be around too long.
Good luck!

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bryan Murahashi03-Dec-2020 14:40
Great catch of it enjoying its misguided Winter adventure.
Jean-Luc Rollier26-Jan-2010 23:51
Very nice shot!
JL Vote
Mairéad22-Jan-2010 00:10
Great capture of this misguided visitor.
Guest 19-Jan-2010 06:16
It's a Mrs BV ... tell it to turn the map the other way up!
Cindi Smith19-Jan-2010 01:51
Birdy confusion! Yeah, they are all down here except this guy! I thought we were missing one!
Ed Preston18-Jan-2010 03:24
It's funny you posted this and the comments. We had just watched a PBS show about wolves and bears in Yellowstone. Seems they found a bear that was not in hibernation, the bear was feeding off a carcass. Nice find Patti, maybe it will survive the winter.
Steve Mockford18-Jan-2010 02:41
Nice capture. These are impressive birds, it will really be a shame if it doesn't survive.
Paula Krugerud18-Jan-2010 02:16
The way the weather has been this year...maybe it's messing with the birds as well. What fun to come across this and capture this shot!
Guest 18-Jan-2010 02:13
Great capture and amazing story. Well done.
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