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Barbara Read and Fred Schaad | all galleries >> Sports & Action >> Rodeos >> Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo 2009 > Steer Wrestling I
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Sept 2009 Fred Schaad

Steer Wrestling I

Merritt, BC view map

Timing, co-ordination and strength are essentials for a steer wrestler. The steer is given a headstart and must cross the scoreline
before the rider breaks the barrier (a rope) of the starting box. If the rider does break the barrier prematurely, ten-seconds are added to his time.

Coming out of the starting box, the horse runs alongside the steer and is trained to run on by as the steer wrestler reaches for his steer.
With a firm grip on the steer's right horn, the cowboy hits the ground with his legs extended forward, brings the steer to a dead
stop and then using his left hand as leverage under the steer's jaw, he throws the steer off balance and wrestles it to the ground.
The steer must be flat on its side before official time is taken. This event requires an extra horse ridden by a hazer,
whose job it is to keep the steer running as straight as possible. -C.P.R.A.

Canon EOS-1D Mark III ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ,Digital
1/3200s, f/4.0, ISO 800, 170mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Birte Person19-Sep-2009 00:45
Excellent action shot.V
Raymond Ma16-Sep-2009 02:23
Fabulous shot at the perfect moment! V!
Naret Visesvongsa12-Sep-2009 06:07
Great work for this one. V
Fred Gary09-Sep-2009 16:23
Great job, easy to see that you are a professional.
Gerard Koehl09-Sep-2009 03:48
Wow... excellente prise. V
Bill Warren09-Sep-2009 03:40
Just terrific face presence in all 3 subjects V
Cedric Sims09-Sep-2009 03:04
Nice stop action with a great perspective! V