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McGarva | all galleries >> Annual Archives (7 Galleries) >> 2009 - A Year of images! > Rome
by Night
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04-Jul-2009 McGarva

by Night

Rome, Italy

Fontana de Trevi lit at night
More images of Rome in my gallery

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Chris Bladon21-Aug-2009 11:38
Great shot of a wonderful fountain. I planned, but never managed to return to it at night once the crush of tourists had departed. Looking at this it's a shame as it seems even more impressive after dark
Maaike Huizer18-Jul-2009 06:41
Kerry Tingley17-Jul-2009 17:43
A fantastic building and capture. Stunning detail against the dark sky.
Carl and Racine Erland17-Jul-2009 04:16
Magnificent..the black sky really sets this off! - V
Jeff Lobaugh16-Jul-2009 23:49
Wonderful! Simply wonderful!
Jola Dziubinska16-Jul-2009 21:29
Great architecture, great shot. Vote.
Barbara Heide15-Jul-2009 20:08
majestic! v
I would like to have this lens... but my camera is broken for the second time!
Stewart Mitchell14-Jul-2009 21:18
Fabulous night shot!!
Johnny JAG13-Jul-2009 20:37
Love the POV here.
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