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McGarva | all galleries >> Scotland (19 Galleries) >> Inverpolly Gallery > Moody Blue!
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15-Nov-2009 McGarva

Moody Blue!

Polbain, Inverpolly, Scotland

Wonderful run down boat on Polbain beach close to the Summer Isles
Moody changing weather made a great back drop to the character of the decrepit blue boat

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princess05-Nov-2010 13:49
Fantastic composition. Fantastic treatment. BV
Pieter Bos29-Aug-2010 16:48
Dan Greenberg20-May-2010 03:07
What fabulous technique you have for capturing this type of scene this well! I love boat shots ( almost as much as cars) and this one is memorable. ~V~
Ann01-Feb-2010 13:55
Excellent image with great PoV. *v*
Bartosz Kotulski30-Nov-2009 13:15
very nice composition with great pov. like the clarity here. voted
Jay Levin28-Nov-2009 21:46
Fantastic wide-angle landscape with a great foreground and awesome background. Vote
Gonzalo Garcia de Viedma22-Nov-2009 09:35
This is a really nice wide angle shot with a really nice edition. Colour management is great. Great play with textures. V
Stewart Mitchell19-Nov-2009 19:36
I like the sombre tones contrasting with the drama in the sky and the prominence you have given to the foreground. Excellent!
Pete Hemington18-Nov-2009 23:33
Compelling viewing - great sky and hills
Colin Storey18-Nov-2009 22:57
Stunning comp colours and even some rays. v
tinkerb18-Nov-2009 22:54
I don't know how you do it - stunningly sharp all the way, great DOF
J. Scott Coile18-Nov-2009 22:19
Love the ols boat and especially the BLUE.
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