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McGarva | all galleries >> Annual Archives (7 Galleries) >> 2009 - A Year of images! > Rome
by Night
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03-Jul-2009 McGarva

by Night

Rome, Italy

The Pantheon lit by night
More images of Rome in my gallery

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Chris Bladon21-Aug-2009 11:40
Another great night capture! Not sure what to make of the Pantheon, it's some way down on the list of Rome landmarks in my opinion, but your photo suggests that like the coloseum it is worth revisiting at night. The lighting really makes it stand out from the background and brings the pantheon to life.
Russ Rose18-Jul-2009 02:31
super. super. super.
Cindi Smith18-Jul-2009 00:03
Kerry Tingley17-Jul-2009 17:42
Wonderful lighting on the Pantheon. What a treasure.
Yvonne17-Jul-2009 08:19
Fabulous lighting, gives the photo a lovely warmth!
Carl and Racine Erland17-Jul-2009 04:14
Amazing shot...wonderful lighting! - V
Jeff Lobaugh16-Jul-2009 23:48
Superb lighting! I almost doesn't look real!
Jola Dziubinska16-Jul-2009 21:27
Wonderful capture, bravo! V.
Barbara Heide15-Jul-2009 20:06
fantastic night shot! love the angle too! V
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