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Pat Shawyer | all galleries >> 2009 >> SNAPSHOTS 2009 >> JUNE >
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Tafetta nostalgia

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor 60mm f/2.8D AF Micro
1/250s f/5.0 at 60.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Char02-Jul-2009 12:16
Hi Pat,
A beautiful shot! \/
Carol Rollins02-Jul-2009 00:53
Love the composition, the colors and the light Pat! ~
Cindi Smith02-Jul-2009 00:29
I'm going to start calling you the poppy Queen! Beautiful!
pr_rajan01-Jul-2009 18:59
...very nice!~V~
LynnH01-Jul-2009 12:00
Hollyhocks. I love them, but it's too hot in Texas to grow them. This is a nice view, look up at of them, Pat!
Faye White01-Jul-2009 09:23
what a beautiful rich color
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