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Roy Birger Nilsen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Selfportraits > Moonstruck
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Nikon D200
1/40s f/8.0 at 38.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bill Morgenstern07-Apr-2017 13:50
The more I view, the more this image speaks to me. An outstanding work of art!
bill friedlander12-May-2016 18:39
Quite amazing. Each window pane would make a great shot on its own. V
Pawel Kazmierczyk22-Nov-2015 12:32
fantastic idea, beautifully implemented. Bravo!
Latifa Messaoudi22-Oct-2015 06:49
cool :) hello there ^^
Mary Bowles05-Nov-2014 19:16
Well thought out and executed...
And hauntingly disconcerting.
MarcViskens13-Jun-2013 16:36
very nice composed
Vickie BROWN15-Aug-2012 16:01
Marvellous composed image, it seems the whole world in this window! BV
Latifa Messaoudi15-Aug-2012 10:26
Alexander Kazakov19-Feb-2012 16:39
Very creative! V
fotabug23-Dec-2011 12:57
A superb collage! In fact, one of the best I have seen!
Photo.Keely06-Nov-2011 21:48
Nice work! V.
Alexander Kazakov30-Oct-2011 16:35
Fantastic shot! V
lisamidi17-Mar-2011 12:44
Outstanding image! Very creative and inspiring! bv
annie.bjorklund01-Mar-2011 11:24
Tøffeste kollasjen jeg har sett til nå! Denne var bare stilig :)- og inspirerende.
Guest 01-Mar-2011 00:39
Totally cool! Well done! V
Carol E Sandgren08-Nov-2010 00:09
I love how you present a self portrait of yourself, in somewhat of a collage that incorporates several different thoughts. Complex and wonderful!
lisamidi09-Jun-2010 22:20
FANTASTIC! Absolutely superb! v
alfredo camba jr.19-May-2010 13:56
Very beautiful and artistic image!!! BV
an nguyen27-Jan-2010 01:59
I am impressed..
Foto:Chemistry15-Dec-2009 01:43
So moody! ;) lol no really...wonderful composition, big big Vote :)
Guest 13-Mar-2009 18:43
Very creative. A presentation that draws both the heart and the mind into the picture. V
Guest 12-Mar-2009 15:19
Fantastic! V
Guest 12-Mar-2009 12:31
Fabulous! V
Wenche Aune08-Mar-2009 08:07
Dette er helt fantastis. Flotte teksturer. Godt jobba :)
12308-Mar-2009 00:56
Outstanding!!! V
alexeig07-Mar-2009 22:33
Absolutely amazing. Is it composition of several pictures. whatever, just fantastic.
Aud Elise Sjøsæther07-Mar-2009 13:28
Dette var utrolig flott! Spennende sammensetning av rammer. Fine teksturer. V
Susanne v. Schroeder07-Mar-2009 00:09
Beautifully done! Love your moonstruckness!!
Marcia Rules06-Mar-2009 23:55
Ray :)06-Mar-2009 20:16
What a wonderful selection of frames!
Have a good weekend, Roy.
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