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David Henry | all galleries >> Galleries >> The New Life project > 1-23-09.jpg
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Guest Writer Day!

Today I have the honor of presenting a guest writer.

The first thing I noticed about this picture was
the perfect "young" body that housed this t-shirt.
Nice boobs, slender waist, all plastic, none of it real.
Then I saw the glitz of the word "LOVE"
and wondered how real that could be.
When something is that flashy, you
have to question the substance behind it.
I thought about what it would be like to wear this shirt...
telling the world about my love for my boyfriend, which is real.
He might like the idea that I love him so much
that I would proudly profess my feelings across my chest.
But he already knows I love him.
And I thought, "If the world can't already
see how I feel, then they simply won't get it,
even if it is spelled out for them."

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