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1962 Miami Springs Gazette

1962 - Dade County Champion Basketball Team 15 and under from Miami Springs Recreation Center (names below)

Miami Springs, Florida

Thank you to Dr. Mel Johnson for providing this image from the Miami Springs Gazette.

Top row: Richard Rachel, Mel Johnson, Jim Butler, Jim Caudle (white shirt, Rec center coach), Bruce Sheeky, Ted Hendricks, Ray Stoltz (white shirt with glasses), Richard Wisner and Joe Elizarde.

Bottom row: Steve Palmquist, Mike Rudolph, Rusty Boyd, Charlie Menezes and Dick Haygood.

Dr. Mel says: "We all know about Ted and how he turned out but, at the time, he couldn’t shoot a lick, good thing he was 6-6 and could rebound well. Jim Butler was a terrific baseball pitcher and went on to become the Police Chief of Coral Gables. His little brother Larry, has done very well in the real estate business and is now semi-retired in the Keys. Richard Wisner was my college roommate at FSU, got his Masters there, retired from the FAA, is still my best friend, and still resides in Tallahassee. I heard that quiet Steve Palmquist became a CPA but back then he was a smart and deadly outside shooter. Dick Haygood lives down in the Keys, I have heard from his ex-wife, Gloria. Last I heard Richard Rachel was coaching football special teams at Rutgers University. At the time he was a tough, wiry, hard-nosed guy who could give and take a lick. Ray Stoltz was a nice, no nonsense guy who ran the Rec Center for years and just recently passed away. Jim Caudle worked at the Rec Center, and on a golf course at Crandon Park for years, and was a MS Councilman for two 4-year terms, before retiring. Charlie Menezes was a good athlete who hurt his knee playing football at HHS and now lives in Plantation or Davie, somewhere in that vicinity. He is still happy-go-lucky Charlie who used to date Pat Fowler in junior and senior high, and later married Gail Conrad and had at least one child with her. Charlie met and married a COUPLE of real beauties. I went in to FSU, got a Bachelors, got a Masters at FIU, and later a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. I have been retired for 5 years after 28 years as a healthcare professional and get along on a few rental properties in the Springs, where I still live. Joe Elizarde retired from the Hialeah Police Department as a Captain and I hear is back coaching high school football upstate." (Don's input: Joe and his wife now live in Washington State.)

Anybody who has further updates or memories of any of these guys, feel free to chime in. I lost track completely of some of the guys ie Mike Rudoph, Rusty Boyd and Bruce Sheeky. I wonder whatever happened to Eddie Lee and Johnny Dance? Karen Gerling? Christy Boney? Marilyn Sapp?

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Guest 04-Jan-2022 18:31
Ted Hendricks later graduated from HHS and then UofM. From there he went to the Oakland Raiders and played as a defensive end. In HHS he was an All American, UofM he was an All American and while with the Okland Raiders he was an All Pro Defensive End.
Dick Ronnlof 22-Sep-2011 16:53
I attended Springview Elementary the year it opened as portable buildings. I was there through 4th grade with Ms. O'Hara as my teacher. MS. Lancaster in first grade, I believe Ms Durfee in 2nd or 3rd. I lived at 1131 Plover Ave for six years. Loved the rec pool, rec center and the "clay pit". Had a brother Ronnie and a sister Suzie. My dad was first Packpaster for theCubscouts that gathered at the school and later the old Optimist club. Probably some of the best memories of my life. anyone remember me?
Guest 31-Mar-2011 19:55
Rich Rachel has been on the football staff at USF in Tampa for the past 11 years.