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26-APR-2005 Ian Morehouse

Monday 9th May 05


A Pair.

Glasshouse Mountains, one of the lookouts/scenic view picnic areas. There were about 8 that I could count sitting on fences/trees and catching bugs on the ground. I was able to get within 3 metres or less with the camera and various lenses. One Kookaburra was grabbed by a boy, who was told off by his parents and others, the bird flew into the trees, but wasn't upset at all. It came and sat in a tree about 4 metres away from me shortly after.

This is the laughing variety which only have slight tinges of blue in their feathers. The ones you usually see in paintings have larger areas of blue and are not know for their call.

The sign in the area advised "Do not feed the Kookaburras, they will swipe your food off your table or BBQ if it is left unattended".

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ,Canon RAW
1/320s f/4.0 at 280.0mm iso800 (200 and TC 1.4) full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Claude Gagnon28-Feb-2020 00:29
These birds are so nice! Hope to see them one day :))
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