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Ian Cameron | all galleries >> Transient Light >> Europe > Venetian Lamp
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Ian Cameron

Venetian Lamp

St Marks Square, Venice, Italy.

These beautiful art deco lamps festoon St Marks square in Venice. I turned up very early one September morning just after sunrise and found a determined sun trying to burn off the mist. The sun's strength was insufficient to cause undue lens flare, but the backlighting on the lamp glass was glowing orange as if they were still lit.

Contax ST ,80-200mm zoom,Fujichrome Velvia
F11 at 1/250 sec full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 28-Oct-2010 18:27
Yep, my kind of style, nice one.
Iain Kirk31-Jul-2009 13:22
Oh yes - very tasty
This just oozes atmosphere...
Tom Briggs22-Aug-2007 00:11
Stunning capture, Ian ... great sky and such an interesting silhouette
Guest 03-Apr-2007 17:24
I am a sucker for light fixtures. And I am a sucker for silhouette. can well imagine what this photo does to me. :)
Rob Oele06-Sep-2006 10:53
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