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watching rain

FujiFilm FinePix F10 Zoom
1/160s f/2.8 at 8.0mm iso200 full exif

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Paco López20-Aug-2017 08:02
Excellent!! V!!
Mary Bowles04-Nov-2011 16:17
Oh yes.
This is so nice.
It is a beautiful, spare composition, and the figure looking out is placed just so.
I see the window is saturated with rain,and the colours are very much unsaturated.
A very pleasing almost-black and white picture.
Mike 28-Oct-2011 21:46
Lovely capture, gmv!
MarcViskens18-May-2011 16:04
beautiful photo
very well done
Guest 26-Mar-2010 00:30
you should go to the Central plaza in Wanchai...there you can take similar pictures!
Guest 06-Jun-2009 09:31
wonderful photo
XiaoBernard9903-Jun-2009 09:57
I remember me of this one.I like always this mood and the sense of this picture.V
Rosemarie Kusserow10-Jan-2009 06:23
Perfect xomposition with a great rainy mood, it works very well in b/w, vote, Rosemarie :o)
caveman_lee02-Aug-2008 08:12
A great shot indeed. V
Kevin Chan16-Jan-2008 16:09
a city life reflection