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Libya is vast: twice the size of Egypt and half the size of the EU, it is the fourth largest country on the continent of Africa. Yet the population is only about six million people – 90% of whom live in urban centres strung out along the 1,750km coastline. Once you move away from the Mediterranean you are in almost infinite swathes of emptiness. In this amazing country, you can visit five World Heritage Sites (and have them all to yourself), visit some of the best Graeco-Roman ruins you will ever come across, see vestiges of Berber, Garamantian and even pre-historic civilizations about which little is really known, encounter achingly beautiful desert landscapes, and get to know some of the most delightful people on earth. Put aside any preconceptions you might have about Libya, immerse yourselves in its geography, history and culture, and get acquainted with the most charming, most hospitable people you are ever likely to meet. Don't expect luxury, but do expect a warm reception, and do expect to be constantly surprised.
Jebel Nafusa
Jebel Nafusa
Wadi Al-Hayat
Wadi Al-Hayat
Idehan Murzuq
Idehan Murzuq
Idehan Ubari
Idehan Ubari