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Hiroyuki Hakozaki - 箱崎博之 | all galleries >> Galleries >> Equipment > Storm Case iM2500 Internal View
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Storm Case iM2500 Internal View

This is internal view of my Storm Case iM2500.
As you can see the hole in lid, penta-prism will fit in this area.
Here is the list of equipments in the case.

Nikon D2x
AF-S DX Nikkor 17-55mm F2.8G
AF-S VR Nikkor 70-200mm F2.8G
AF-S DX Nikkor 12-24mm F4G
Ai AF Nikkor 50mm F1.4D
Ai AF Nikkor 85mm F1.4D
x1.4 and x1.7 Teleconverter
Circular Polarizer (77mm)
Closeup filter (f=500mm 77mm)
Cable Release

Pentax Optio WP
1/40s f/3.3 at 6.3mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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