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Harry Lavo | profile | all galleries >> HFLPhotos - Sports >> Other Baseball tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Other Baseball

College, High School, and Junio/Intermediate level hardball and softball.

If you wish to purchase one of these photos, please go to where these and other photos can be found for purchase.
College Baseball
gallery: College Baseball
High School Girls Softball
gallery: High School Girls Softball
Vintage Baseball World Series
gallery: Vintage Baseball World Series
Holyoke Jr. Varsity Baseball
gallery: Holyoke Jr. Varsity Baseball
Summer League Junior Baseball
gallery: Summer League Junior Baseball
Vintage Baseball - Whately Pioneers vs. Westfield Wheelmen
gallery: Vintage Baseball - Whately Pioneers vs. Westfield Wheelmen
South Hadley Girls JV Softball
gallery: South Hadley Girls JV Softball