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Harry Lavo | profile | all galleries >> HFLPhotos - Sports >> Other Baseball >> College Baseball tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

College Baseball

I am surrounded by colleges...Elm College is one of the smallest...on this day they were playing an afternoon double-header to make up for a previous rainout. Click on an image to switch to full-size mode if you desire, then use "next" and "previous" to move on or back.
Outside pitch...nice save by catcher. Ump on the case...third baseman ready for anything.Outside pitch...nice save by catcher. Ump on the case...third baseman ready for anything.
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Rounding on fielder having problems.Rounding on fielder having problems.
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Oohh that should'a been a hit!Oohh that should'a been a hit!
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That's outta here!That's outta here!
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Good sportsmanship.Good sportsmanship.
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Nice game, fellas!Nice game, fellas!
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Time to go home.Time to go home.
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Street civies!Street civies!
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