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Harry Lavo | profile | all galleries >> HFLPhotos - Sports >> Basketball tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


From two-on-two, to (hopefully) the Celtics.....

If you wish to purchase one of these photos, please go to where these and other photos can be found for purchase.
Belchertown vs Amherst Varsity - Interdivisional - 12-10-2007
gallery: Belchertown vs Amherst Varsity - Interdivisional - 12-10-2007
Two-on-Two in Newport
gallery: Two-on-Two in Newport
Belchertown vs Drury Varsity Basketball, 12-11-2007
gallery: Belchertown vs Drury Varsity Basketball, 12-11-2007
Oberlin vs Yale Men's Basketball 1-12-08
gallery: Oberlin vs Yale Men's Basketball 1-12-08
Northampton vs Holyoke Girls Basketball 2-15-08
gallery: Northampton vs Holyoke Girls Basketball 2-15-08
Brown vs Princeton Men's Basketball 2-29-08
gallery: Brown vs Princeton Men's Basketball 2-29-08
Vermont 5-6th Graders - Youth Basketball Tourney at UVM
gallery: Vermont 5-6th Graders - Youth Basketball Tourney at UVM