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Henk Bril | profile | all galleries >> Astrohistorica (updated 2024) >> The Moon tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Star Atlases and Celestial Maps before 1900 (updated 2024) | Star Atlases from the 20th Century | Historical Maps of Comets (updated 2024) | The Moon | Plates from old Astronomy Books (updated 2024)

The Moon

Images (drawings and/or photographs) from the Moon as publised in atlases (19th and 20th century) and books (19th century and earlier) - under (continious) construction.

Click on one of the images to enter the sub gallery.
John Keill - Moon plates (1778)
:: John Keill - Moon plates (1778) ::
Neison: The Moon (Atlas, German edition, 1881)
:: Neison: The Moon (Atlas, German edition, 1881) ::
Nasmyth - Carpenter: The Moon (German edition, 1884)
:: Nasmyth - Carpenter: The Moon (German edition, 1884) ::
Krieger: Moon Atlases (1898 and 1912)
:: Krieger: Moon Atlases (1898 and 1912) ::