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You can add a slideshow to the top of your gallery pages (like the one you see here) by using the SLIDESHOW() function in your gallery description.

Basic Functionality
To create a slideshow from a single gallery:
SLIDESHOW(gallery name)

To create a slideshow from a set of image ids:
Invalid image ids or images from an account other than your own will be skipped.

These 2 commands will get you a simple slideshow with all... (more)

Yes. When viewing any gallery, you can click the "slideshow" link at the top right of the page to view a slideshow of the gallery images.

By default, the images display for 3 seconds each, but you can adjust the speed of the slideshow to display the images for 1, 3, 5, or 10 seconds. You can also click the image to pause/play the slideshow at any time.

You must have javascript enabled on your browser in order for the slideshow to work.

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