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Help Topics
How do I link subgalleries to each other?
In order to link subgalleries, go to the Advanced Settings page in the gallery which you want to link from.

Select the check box to use Linked Subgalleries

Click Update

For example:

Say you have an Italy gallery. Within the Italy gallery, you have subgalleries for various Italian cities. It would be nice if people could jump directly from the Venice subgallery to the Bologna subgallery without having to go back through the main Italy gallery to get there.

The solution is to use linked subgalleries. To do this, you would edit the Italy gallery, go to the advanced settings page, select the checkbox to use linked subgalleries, and update.

Now, each of the Italy subgalleries will display a list of links to all of the other subgalleries.
All subgallery links are automatically updated whenever subgalleries are added or removed.

You can see how this was used for the sample stylesheets on PBase:

The parent gallery is This is the gallery that has the Linked Subgalleries option selected.

All subgalleries, such as , display links to the other subgalleries at the top of the page.

Non-Public Galleries
Overview FAQ
A non-public gallery is one that is not listed in a user's gallery list.
Unlike a password protected gallery, users do not need a password to view this gallery, they just need to know the URL for the gallery. This is a useful tool if you do not want to have to set a password for a particular gallery and give it out to specific people; you can simply give them the URL of the gallery or image.

Anyone is knows the URL for a non public gallery can view the gallery. Viewers do not need a password to view a non-public gallery, but a non-public gallery can be password protected.

Yes, a non-public gallery can also be password protected. You can add a passkey to a non-public gallery the same way you add one to all other galleries.

Yes. A non-public image can be in a public gallery. When editing an image, you can decide whether an image is public by checking or unchecking the box next to "this image is publicly viewable". Even in a public gallery, if you uncheck this box, the image itself will be non-public and will only show up to the image owner.

No. Subgalleries of non-public galleries are not non-public unless you manually set them to be.

A password protected gallery will show up in your gallery list. Viewers will not be able to access the gallery unless they have the passkey.
A non-public gallery will not show up on your gallery list. Viewers will need to know the URL of a non-public gallery or image in order to view it.
A gallery can be made both non-public and password protected. Viewers will need to know both the URL of the gallery and the password for the gallery in order to view it.

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