Artistry at the EPA |
Glitter at the EPA |
Mayflower Hotel |
Newseum |
Different perspective on the Supreme Court |
US Supreme Court |
American Bar Association |
National Post Office Museum |
Modern imitation pales in comparison |
Library of Congress |
Library of Congress |
Library of Congress |
Library of Congress |
Library of Congress |
Library of Congress |
Capitol grounds |
Capitol grounds |
Capitol grounds |
Capitol grounds |
Capitol grounds |
Capitol grounds |
US House of Representatives |
US Capitol |
US Capitol |
Capitol grounds |
Capitol grounds |
US Capitol grounds |
US Capitol grounds |
Cannon House office |
Bank of America |
PNC Bank |
US Treasury |
The White House |
Metropolitan Square |
Union Station |
Union Station |
Union Station |
Russell Senate Office Building |
Russell Senate Office Building |
Dirkson Senate Office Building |
Constitution Avenue |
Constitution Avenue |
Constitution Avenue |
Constitution Avenue |
Department of Labor |
Gaslights at Decatur House |
US Chamber of Commerce |
Organization of the American States |
American Red Cross |
American Red Cross |
Hay-Adams Hotel |
St. Regis Hotel |
Daughters of the American Revolution |
DAR Constitution Hall |
DAR Constitution Hall |
Old Executive Office Building |
Renwick Gallery |
Renwick Gallery |
Freer Gallery |
Freer Gallery |
Freer Gallery |
Freer Gallery |
National Mall, Natural History Museum |
The National Mall |
Smithsonian Castle |
Natural History Museum (with animal feet) |
Department of Agriculture |
Office of the Solicitor General |
Department of Commerce |
Department of Commerce |
Evening Star Building |
National Museum of Women in the Arts |
City Hall |
Willard Hotel |
Willard Hotel |
Willard Hotel |
Ronald Regan Building and Int'l Center |
Ronald Reagan Building and Int'l Trade Center |
Chinatown |
Archives |
Federal Trade Commission |
National Gallery of Art |
National Academy of Sciences |
US Federal Reserve |
American Pharmacists Association |
Pan American Union |
Old train station, Capitol Hill |
DC Court of Appeals |
Library of Congress |
Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church (1872) |
Eastern Market |
Chinatown |
Borders lineup |
F Street modern |
F Street modern |
F Street modern |
Profusion at Warner Theater |
Longworth House Office Building |
US Capitol |
US Capitol |
US Capitol steps |
US Senate |
Internal Revenue Service |
Bureau of Printing and Engraving |
Bureau of Printing and Engraving |
Holocaust Museum |
Old US Postal Department |
Warner Theater |
Arlington Cemetery |
The United Methodist Church |
A bridge on Connecticut Ave. |
Another bridge on Connecticut Ave. |
National Geographic |
Government Printing Office |
US Department of Justice |
Ugly lights at the FBI |
Where have all the eagles gone |
Bald eagle, not a pigeon, tops the light |
US Public Health Service Building |
National Museum of African American History and Culture |
New America |
New America again |
St. John’s Episcopal Church |
Lamp post at the historic Howard Theatre |
Lamppost at Interior |
Droopy lights |
H Street NE lamp post |
Georgetown University lamppost |
Healy Hall, Georgetown University |