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Helen Betts | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Opulent Diversity: Washington, D.C., Lights tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Opulent Diversity: Washington, D.C., Lights

I've always been fascinated by the incredible variety and beauty of the many light fixtures around the nation's capital, so this is a gallery in progress of what I find in my travels.
Artistry at the EPA
Artistry at the EPA
Glitter at the EPA
Glitter at the EPA
Mayflower Hotel
Mayflower Hotel
Different perspective on the Supreme Court
Different perspective on the Supreme Court
US Supreme Court
US Supreme Court
American Bar Association
American Bar Association
National Post Office Museum
National Post Office Museum
Modern imitation pales in comparison
Modern imitation pales in comparison
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
US House of Representatives
US House of Representatives
US Capitol
US Capitol
US Capitol
US Capitol
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
Capitol grounds
US Capitol grounds
US Capitol grounds
US Capitol grounds
US Capitol grounds
Cannon House office
Cannon House office
Bank of America
Bank of America
PNC Bank
PNC Bank
US Treasury
US Treasury
The White House
The White House
Metropolitan Square
Metropolitan Square
Union Station
Union Station
Union Station
Union Station
Union Station
Union Station
Russell Senate Office Building
Russell Senate Office Building
Russell Senate Office Building
Russell Senate Office Building
Dirkson Senate Office Building
Dirkson Senate Office Building
Constitution Avenue
Constitution Avenue
Constitution Avenue
Constitution Avenue
Constitution Avenue
Constitution Avenue
Constitution Avenue
Constitution Avenue
Department of Labor
Department of Labor
Gaslights at Decatur House
Gaslights at Decatur House
US Chamber of Commerce
US Chamber of Commerce
Organization of the American States
Organization of the American States
American Red Cross
American Red Cross
American Red Cross
American Red Cross
Hay-Adams Hotel
Hay-Adams Hotel
St. Regis Hotel
St. Regis Hotel
Daughters of the American Revolution
Daughters of the American Revolution
DAR Constitution Hall
DAR Constitution Hall
DAR Constitution Hall
DAR Constitution Hall
Old Executive Office Building
Old Executive Office Building
Renwick Gallery
Renwick Gallery
Renwick Gallery
Renwick Gallery
Freer Gallery
Freer Gallery
Freer Gallery
Freer Gallery
Freer Gallery
Freer Gallery
Freer Gallery
Freer Gallery
National Mall, Natural History Museum
National Mall, Natural History Museum
The National Mall
The National Mall
Smithsonian Castle
Smithsonian Castle
Natural History Museum (with animal feet)
Natural History Museum (with animal feet)
Department of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Office of the Solicitor General
Office of the Solicitor General
Department of Commerce
Department of Commerce
Department of Commerce
Department of Commerce
Evening Star Building
Evening Star Building
National Museum of Women in the Arts
National Museum of Women in the Arts
City Hall
City Hall
Willard Hotel
Willard Hotel
Willard Hotel
Willard Hotel
Willard Hotel
Willard Hotel
Ronald Regan Building and Int'l Center
Ronald Regan Building and Int'l Center
Ronald Reagan Building and Int'l Trade Center
Ronald Reagan Building and Int'l Trade Center
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Trade Commission
National Gallery of Art
National Gallery of Art
National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Sciences
US Federal Reserve
US Federal Reserve
American Pharmacists Association
American Pharmacists Association
Pan American Union
Pan American Union
Old train station, Capitol Hill
Old train station, Capitol Hill
DC Court of Appeals
DC Court of Appeals
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church (1872)
Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church (1872)
Eastern Market
Eastern Market
Borders lineup
Borders lineup
F Street modern
F Street modern
F Street modern
F Street modern
F Street modern
F Street modern
Profusion at Warner Theater
Profusion at Warner Theater
Longworth House Office Building
Longworth House Office Building
US Capitol
US Capitol
US Capitol
US Capitol
US Capitol steps
US Capitol steps
US Senate
US Senate
Internal Revenue Service
Internal Revenue Service
Bureau of Printing and Engraving
Bureau of Printing and Engraving
Bureau of Printing and Engraving
Bureau of Printing and Engraving
Holocaust Museum
Holocaust Museum
Old US Postal Department
Old US Postal Department
Warner Theater
Warner Theater
Arlington Cemetery
Arlington Cemetery
The United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Church
A bridge on Connecticut Ave.
A bridge on Connecticut Ave.
Another bridge on Connecticut Ave.
Another bridge on Connecticut Ave.
National Geographic
National Geographic
Government Printing Office
Government Printing Office
US Department of Justice
US Department of Justice
Ugly lights at the FBI
Ugly lights at the FBI
Where have all the eagles gone
Where have all the eagles gone
Bald eagle, not a pigeon, tops the light
Bald eagle, not a pigeon, tops the light
US Public Health Service Building
US Public Health Service Building
National Museum of African American History and Culture
National Museum of African American History and Culture
New America
New America
New America again
New America again
St. John’s Episcopal Church
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Lamp post at the historic Howard Theatre
Lamp post at the historic Howard Theatre
Lamppost at Interior
Lamppost at Interior
Droopy lights
Droopy lights
H Street NE lamp post
H Street NE lamp post
Georgetown University lamppost
Georgetown University lamppost
Healy Hall, Georgetown University
Healy Hall, Georgetown University