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Helen Betts | all galleries >> Rediscovering Home >> Washington Rediscovered: Year 2 >> Rescued Residents of Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary > Watched
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This alpaca lives in the sheep barn. I don’t know its name or story, but the owner of the sanctuary did say they aren’t very sociable with people, whereas the sheep were competing for attention.


The Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary is a 400-acre nonprofit refuge in Poolesville, Maryland, that offers care, rehabilitation and permanent sanctuary for neglected, abused or abandoned farm animals as well as providing a protected habitat for wildlife. They promote compassion and the humane treatment of all animals by educating the public on farm animal and wildlife issues.

A husband and wife team along with 100 volunteers and 8 staff care for more than 300 rescued farm animals, each with a name and a story of their rescue, and most of them quite friendly to humans. They’ve been in operation for 21 years, receive no public funding and survive only on donations.

For more information on the refuge, go to

Dominic and the muddy camera, posted earlier:

Sony RX10 IV
1/125s f/4.0 at 49.5mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield09-Jun-2018 14:43
Great detail in this cute capture. V
Zoltán Balogh09-Jun-2018 14:11
Great DOF and composition. V
Patricia Kay08-Jun-2018 09:27
Awwww and it looks as though it's smiling at you Helen....beautiful image...BV
LynnH08-Jun-2018 01:40
Love the hair! VV
victorswan07-Jun-2018 19:30
A great image and a wonderful expression on the alpaca it is just a laugh fantastic image and compo BV
Jeff Real07-Jun-2018 16:11
It is funny that he is not sociable with that big smile!
Great one
Stephanie07-Jun-2018 14:44
Quite a handsome fella! Superb sharpness of the eye! V
Chris Morton07-Jun-2018 11:04
a very alert and interested face
danad07-Jun-2018 07:48
Great 'hairdo" :) Superb portrait ! V.
The spit is a part of their language. They can possibly spit at the man, which is maybe at the origin of their bad reputation.
Liz Bickel07-Jun-2018 05:44
What a handsome fellow. Lovely well, composed, sharp portrait.
Nick Paoni07-Jun-2018 01:09
Nice capture. Love the "hairdo", and the goat in the background.
woody3406-Jun-2018 22:24
A delightful, sharp capture,of this Alpaca, , sweet shot..V
Pieter Bos06-Jun-2018 21:55
Beautiful, sharp portrait, Helen. ~V
Tom Munson06-Jun-2018 19:59
He's a cutie.
Jim Coffman06-Jun-2018 19:58
This is my awwwww for the day! CUTE!!!
joseantonio06-Jun-2018 19:34
Remember having seen some of them in Peru.V.
Hank Vander Velde06-Jun-2018 19:22
Excellent portrait Helen.
globalgadabout06-Jun-2018 18:38
it certainly looks sympathetic...saw them wild on the altiplano in Peru, and they certainly kept their distance there..
Isabel Cutler06-Jun-2018 18:34
What a sweet, sweet face! We have alpacas and llamas every year at the Western North Carolina Agriculture center and they're lots of fun to watch. The alpacas are particularly charming. Sad to hear they're not particularly friendly - maybe that has something to do with how they were socialized after they were born? This is a terrific pic! V.
Milan Vogrin06-Jun-2018 17:35
Too cute!V!
Colin Storey06-Jun-2018 17:34
Cute looking face.
Ika Zinka Eferl06-Jun-2018 17:29
This is the pose and details.V
Nirvan Hope06-Jun-2018 17:11
What a great pair - wonderful expression on the alpaca.
Hennie & Lies Lammers06-Jun-2018 17:07
Wonderful portrait Helen. V