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Dave Hein | profile | all galleries >> woodworking >> oak stool tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

oak stool

I debated tonite whether I should put this project in with the office build or as a separate gallery.
The answer is here. It's going to live by itself. But in use the stool will go with me to work and
provide a place to sit now and again at the new stand up station. The build will be classic
mortise and tenon construction using quarter sawn white oak. Finish will be a natural varnish wipe on.
The first photo (delivery day) includes a link to the design idea.
base dry fit
base dry fit
foot rest stretchers
foot rest stretchers
tenon cut 3
tenon cut 3
tenon cut 2
tenon cut 2
tenon cut 1
tenon cut 1
mortise cutting
mortise cutting
mortise layout (legs)
mortise layout (legs)
ray fleck
ray fleck
delivery day
delivery day