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Dave Hein | all galleries >> woodworking >> oak stool > ray fleck
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31-MAR-2014 © DK Hein 2014

ray fleck

This is the distinctive pattern common in quarter sawn oak... and the reason it is so highly
prized for classic Mission style and Greene and Greene furniture. This pattern will show in
the finish to some extent whether the piece is fumed to a dark color or treated more naturally.
This is the 8/4 board that will be used for legs and the seat frame. The 4/4 board will be used
for stretchers and aprons. The color on that piece is just as nice. Wish I had doubled the order!

Nikon D3
1/500s f/8.0 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Ed Preston01-Apr-2014 20:45
Well, I guess you'll just have to place another order! Love quarter sawn!