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27-JUL-2007 © DK Hein 2007

which is which

Submitted for the August 2007 Monthly Challenge Topic: Come & Go.
For other entries in this series please go and see:

Nikon D200
1/20s f/8.0 at 120.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Ron LaCroix01-Feb-2010 02:37
A very beautiful image to be sure. It certainly fits the theme of the competition very well and the lighting and color are splendid.
Guest 01-Oct-2007 19:13
Very cool! I like the lighting here too.
Mark Kruse01-Sep-2007 14:54
A very clever shot, smart thinking!
Barbara Heide15-Aug-2007 13:24
excellent light and toines...great idea!
Maaike Huizer15-Aug-2007 06:31
Outstanding interpretation and beautiful image.
January Grey15-Aug-2007 03:56
Oh! This is excellent! Outstanding light and presentation. Wonderful capture, Dave! V~
Johnny Rasmussen14-Aug-2007 15:36
Excellent lighting!
Guest 14-Aug-2007 13:53
Lovely image:-)
Carolyn Rasmussen14-Aug-2007 13:13
Beautiful image.
Guest 14-Aug-2007 12:55
The light is amazing
Máire Uí Mhaicín14-Aug-2007 11:25
This is a most imaginative interpretation!
nina14-Aug-2007 09:08
very good!
j>a>e>17 :):):)14-Aug-2007 07:40
time machine travel ROCKS :):):)
QUERIDO14-Aug-2007 07:33
Beautiful shot,vote