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12-NOV-2008 © DK Hein 2008


Submitted for the Thursday 11/13/08 Totally Informal Transglobal Challenge Topic: “Time".

Time (is money) was created using PS CS3, a shot of my workshop clock, and a wallet "fiver". :)

A host of other time-challenged entries this week can be found - Here-.

Nikon D300
1/250s f/8.0 at 80.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Hodero10-May-2011 10:43
Today,just some time later,the same
$5 is worth half ;-(
Cedric Sims17-Nov-2008 04:13
sue anne15-Nov-2008 17:44
Good one - wondered at first if that was a clock. :)
Cindi Smith15-Nov-2008 13:53
Yep, seems that is the way it is going!
Art White15-Nov-2008 02:28
Well done. Very creative!
Jeff Lobaugh14-Nov-2008 02:05
What are you saying here? Time to print more money???
Jola Dziubinska14-Nov-2008 00:18
Creative interpretation.
Phillip Normanton13-Nov-2008 23:16
So, $5 is worth 5:18:04 - but what does that mean???? Too deep for me, nice bit of compositing though :)
royalld13-Nov-2008 21:40
BTW... great work on this image.
royalld13-Nov-2008 21:39
Times are changing... that Federal Reserve Note ain't what it used to be.
Chris Thorpe13-Nov-2008 20:59
Creative entry...always five-a-clock!
J. Scott Coile13-Nov-2008 19:24
My time bills are getting smaller lately.
Guest 13-Nov-2008 17:06
nice one!
Maaike Huizer13-Nov-2008 16:52
Very crerative. Well done.
Barbara Heide13-Nov-2008 16:20
well done, very creative!
mathilda williams13-Nov-2008 15:22
very creative.
carolynne_w13-Nov-2008 15:18
Is this your creation? It is very well done!
Norbert Fortelny13-Nov-2008 13:10
Nice idea.
Photoshop or real?
Greg Christie13-Nov-2008 12:12
A clock in your wallet. Technology has gone a long way. Great image.
wernere0113-Nov-2008 10:42
At least it´s a quarter past five and not five minutes to twelve, as we say here when it´s nearly too late.
Faye White13-Nov-2008 10:40
time is running out...

excellent idea
laine8213-Nov-2008 10:15
What is time worth today :>))
Ann...13-Nov-2008 08:27
Interesting times ahead for The United States Of America and indeed the world!
I really like this idea.
j>a>e>17 :):):)13-Nov-2008 07:51
& hope YOU take 5 for magic times, j>a>e>17 :):):)
cits_4_pets13-Nov-2008 06:20
Time for change, great interpretation...great entry...
carol j. phipps13-Nov-2008 06:13
Great idea!
Nancy Lobaugh13-Nov-2008 06:06
it works perfectly~~ well done!