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12-AUG-2008 © DK Hein 2008


Submitted for the Thursday 08/14/08 Totally Informal Transglobal Challenge Topic: “Advertising".

Other entries this week can be found - Here-.

Here’s another idea I played with:

Nikon D300
1/250s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Fabienne20-May-2014 20:37
C'est une superbe composition et la lumière est formidablement dosée.
Marisa Livet16-Jul-2012 17:07
Splendid light!
Guest 09-Mar-2009 08:41
cool and the light is terrific.
j>a>e>17 :):):)08-Mar-2009 09:49
one of my AWEsome 5th grade students & his dear dad were ripped offf this earth due to the insaity of drunk driving...same fate for his dear aunt, my high school teacher & her husband, were decapitated by a drunk... sad to say i know of others too... in my link is the one student i mentioned... mega thanx for this photo :):):)
Alina20-Aug-2008 14:22
I like it! v
Guest 17-Aug-2008 23:20
I like it very much. awesome work with the lighting. V
Malcolm Smith17-Aug-2008 07:29
I always think before I drink.....but I still drink!
Jola Dziubinska17-Aug-2008 00:35
Very fine work, straight aand strong message.
sue anne15-Aug-2008 19:21
An excellent one for thinking.
Nicki Thurgar15-Aug-2008 18:59
Wow, beautifully photographed!
Dennis Hoyne15-Aug-2008 02:27
Well done, Dave. A great still life!
Linda Willets15-Aug-2008 02:27
So well done
Yvonne15-Aug-2008 02:21
A beautiful image and very sensible words!
mathilda williams15-Aug-2008 01:23
thought provoking and powerful.
i like it very much.
Guest 15-Aug-2008 01:01
Very well done. I like the colours.
J. Scott Coile14-Aug-2008 23:12
Yes! Make sure you don't have strawberry allergies ;-)
laine8214-Aug-2008 22:41
A delicious idea
CreativeWiseGal14-Aug-2008 22:36
Striking image. Beautifully done public service announcement~
Pat Shawyer14-Aug-2008 18:58
Well done Dave !
Nancy Lobaugh14-Aug-2008 17:48
I like this one... now to let those strawberries sit there a while until they get nice & juicy!
Dan Chusid14-Aug-2008 16:16
If I drink those, I'm gonna need someone to perform the Heinlich maneuver!
Ken Duckert14-Aug-2008 14:00
A very beautiful image with a powerful message. Very well done!
Guest 14-Aug-2008 11:01
Nice one!
Máire Uí Mhaicín14-Aug-2008 09:43
Great idea, Dave. What fun you can have with a camera and strawberries.
Maaike Huizer14-Aug-2008 06:55
Excellent work. Beautiful use of light.
An De Wilde14-Aug-2008 06:41
beautiful idea en well done
Laryl14-Aug-2008 05:35
well done
Lee G14-Aug-2008 05:26
Excellent shot. Perfect all around!!
Herb 14-Aug-2008 04:28
Well done
Cindi Smith14-Aug-2008 03:54
Wonderful!!!!! Love it!
Ilana gil14-Aug-2008 03:47
Great idea! Excellent presentation.
Mostafa Moftah14-Aug-2008 03:33
Beautiful light and comp Dave.. V~
Inga Morozoff14-Aug-2008 03:31
The lighting is perfect for the subject.
(I really must learn how to do that one day.)
through_the_lens14-Aug-2008 03:19
strking lighting... nice ad..
Barbara Heide14-Aug-2008 01:28
beautiful! v
Laura Sebastianelli14-Aug-2008 01:20
beautiful shot! the light is spectacular
carol j. phipps14-Aug-2008 01:11
Beautiful and original! V
Walter Otto Koenig14-Aug-2008 00:47
Cool shot. Drinking solids can be very harmful to you.
Guest 14-Aug-2008 00:44
Ann...14-Aug-2008 00:44
A very attractive image with a very serious message.